Custom Clothing Tag: "Made By The Flora Modiste & Me"
This product is currently sold out.

Because is a sewing project really finished if it doesn’t have a clothing tag?
“Made By The Flora Modiste & Me” is our way of saying that this is a team effort–While we make the sewing patterns, you are the ones sewing them up!
We want you to be proud of your me-made wardrobe.
Sew in this custom clothing tag as a final touch to really give your sewing projects a professional look and feel!
PLEASE NOTE: A single custom clothing tag is included with the purchase of a DIY sewing kit, but not with the purchase of a sewing pattern on its own. If sewing up a TFM pattern in your own fabric, make sure to grab a clothing tag too!
The clothing tags are meant to be sewn along the back neckline/waistband of a garment. Press the vertical edges of the tag under (to the wrong side of the tag) then pin & topstitch to the garment.
The full tag measures 2.5" x 1".