
Hey girl. I'm Julia, The Flora Modiste.
TFM started as a sweet little sewing blog--and now, nearly 3 years later, we have close to 100 posts on the blog, 2 unique sewing patterns + DIY kits, as well as a few handmade goodies available--all sewn up by yours truly.
If you're here, I'm guessing you're one of two girls:
1. You're the girl that already knows how to sew, you've been sewing for years. Maybe you need help with a certain sewing project, or you're looking for a new one?
To you, I say: TFM is here to make sewing as easy as possible. Our patterns & tutorials are straightforward with clear, easy to follow instructions, and our DIY kits cut out that all-time consuming task of running to the fabric store.
Or 2. You're the girl that's thinking: "I have always wanted to learn how to sew.." You've just never had the time to learn, or don't even know where to start.
To you, I say: The only way to learn how to sew is to just start. To practice. You don't have to be "the cool girl" or "the creative girl" to learn how to sew--you (yes you) can do this.
No matter which girl you are, TFM is your place--a place for makers.
As for me? I read a lot (like really a lot), adore my dog to an unhealthy degree, love champagne, don't eat animals, and get outside to run almost every day. I've been with my partner (+ now husband) since I was 18 years old, so for nearly 13 years now.. my heart.
Anything else you want to know? Just ask.