The Only Sewing Pattern Printer You Will Ever Need

Running your own sewing pattern business can be a bit tricky--There are A LOT of moving parts involved. So this week, for all of my ladies running their own sewing pattern businesses, I wanted to introduce you to my not-so-secret weapon.. My sewing pattern printer, Netprinter.
While I'm hoping this post will help out my fellow entrepreneurs, it is still valuable for those of you that don't have a full blown sewing pattern business. With our first product launching in the next week (the Dany sewing pattern, have you heard?) I wanted to work on being as transparent as possible from the very first product.
Which means.. You are going to know WHERE your sewing patterns are coming from.
And you will know where all of the materials in the DIY sewing project kits are sourced from. You will KNOW whether what you are buying is organic or not. (Spoiler: The fabric in the Dany DIY kits is absolutely organic. We wrote a post a few weeks back about why organic cotton matters--Make sure to check it out!)
I feel like we are (thankfully) pushing more and more into an age where people are paying attention to where their products are coming from.
By giving my business to responsible and integral companies, I am NOT contributing to irresponsible businesses that don't pay their workers a fair wage. And by buying organic fabric, I am contributing to the demand for organic, sustainable practices to be the standard--Rather than the exception. It all works together really.
I hope that you will want to support The Flora Modiste in part BECAUSE we are supporting the smaller, responsible businesses. Because we are buying organic, and working to change the tide of the industry rather than just going along with it. Just because "that's how it's always been done". (I seriously hate that sentiment, it's very Stone Age.)
But anyways! My sewing pattern printer, Netprinter. I am SO excited to tell you guys all about them, I have fallen quite in love. But first, you need to know WHY they are so special. So, let's get into it!
(Are you looking for a sewing pattern printer? Girl, look no further! I have put together a step-by-step guide to printing sewing patterns with the UK based company, Netprinter. Grab your guide below, and I promise you will never look for another sewing pattern printer again.)
The process of finding a sewing pattern printer
If you have been following the blog for the last 6 months or so, then you know I have been working on building the Dany DIY sewing project kits for quite some time. (Getting SO close to launching you guys--Next week!)
Part of the reason why it took so long to get the sewing patterns & DIY kits together was because I could not, for the life of me, find an affordable sewing pattern printer.
To start, the pattern printers here in the states were just charging so much. Which I'm not necessarily opposed to--But with the prices I was being quoted, I would barely be able to break even with what I would actually be able to sell the sewing patterns for.
And not to mention--Not a single sewing pattern printer was able to print the sewing pattern AND everything I needed to go along with the sewing pattern. (i.e. The sewing pattern envelope, the instruction booklet, and a small little marketing postcard.)
Or this other company could print the envelopes, but not the pattern. Oh, and this other really great company could print the booklet and the postcard, but not the pattern or the envelope. Impossible, they said. It was seriously the biggest headache, trying to juggle all of the different companies.
All while trying to get the cost to an affordable level where I would actually be able to make a living. So I hope that sets the stage for how happy I was when I discovered my one and only sewing pattern printer, Netprinter.
I discovered the company on a bit of a whim actually.. I had signed up to meet one of my girlfriends at the LA Textile Show back in March & prior to the show, they sent out a newsletter promoting Netprinter as a one stop shop sewing pattern printer. This immediately intrigued me, so I got in touch right away. And, as they say, the rest is history.
(Are you looking for a sewing pattern printer? Girl, look no further! I have put together a step-by-step guide to printing sewing patterns with the UK based company, Netprinter. Grab your guide below, and I promise you will never look for another sewing pattern printer again.)
And introducing my sewing pattern printer, Netprinter!
Netprinter is a company based in the United Kingdom--In Plymouth, England to be exact. The company is run by Simon and Joanna King, a husband and wife team that have been in the printing industry for over 40 years.
After emailing Netprinter to get in touch, I learned that while the company has been printing for over four decades, they had just recently started printing for the sewing industry.
They originally started with printing sewing patterns, and then realized that the sewing industry had a MAJOR need to fill: A sewing pattern printer that could print EVERYTHING for a commercial sewing pattern. Not JUST the sewing pattern itself.
So once Netprinter discovered the industry's need, they started printing everything needed for a commercial sewing pattern.
Their "one stop shop" includes the sewing pattern, an instruction manual booklet, and a sewing pattern envelope. They were also able to print my sweet little marketing postcard, which was a huge bonus. No question, no hesitation--Which was so, so refreshing.
With any other printer is was always such a big deal for them to have to print anything additional. Or if I had questions (which I did, so very many questions) or asked something out of the ordinary.. Most printers would give me an attitude and slap another charge on top of the already high cost.
But Netprinter. This company is a completely different story. Over the last 5 months, I have really gotten to know Simon & Joanna, and they truly care about my business. And I feel like they truly, genuinely want it to succeed.
They have asked questions no other printer has asked, and have been so incredibly kind and patient. Which is a big, big deal for a girl just starting her own business and launching her very first product. This sewing pattern printer stands all on their own, above all others. They are truly that wonderful!
(Are you looking for a sewing pattern printer? Girl, look no further! I have put together a step-by-step guide to printing sewing patterns with the UK based company, Netprinter. Grab your guide below, and I promise you will never look for another sewing pattern printer again.)
Netprinter's sewing pattern "One stop shop"
When I say that Netprinter is the only sewing pattern printer you will ever need, I truly mean it. Using their one stop shop, I have printed all of my materials for the Dany sewing patterns. That includes:
- The Sewing Pattern: Printed on two A0 pages using the most beautiful white, perfectly weighted paper. I have always, always hated the paper that traditional sewing patterns are printed on--That lightweight brown tissue paper. Traditional tissue rips SO easily, and just feels cheap. If you use the pattern more than once, more often than not, it's toast. Not the case with the paper that Netprinter prints their sewing patterns on!
- The Sewing Pattern Envelope: Printed on a thick, durable envelope that folds closed. As with traditional sewing patterns.. I have always hated conventional sewing pattern envelopes. The paper is so thin, and the envelopes literally rip after opening them ONCE. Not the case with the envelopes that Netprinter prints with. They are thick, durable, and will safely store your sewing patterns for years to come.
- The Instruction Manual Booklet: Printed on a lightweight paper in the form of a booklet that fits perfectly inside the sewing pattern envelope. Again--With traditional sewing patterns I absolutely loathed the black and white, one sheet folded page that they called the instructions. The wording was always so tight and confusing, and the technical illustrations were hardly ever helpful. But with the instruction manual that Netprinter is able to create with their one stop shop, you will never be confused. Full color photos paired with written instructions means you will never get stuck with a confusing instruction manual again.
- The Postcard: This was a little addition that Netprinter was able to print for me! The postcard is just a small card, double sided, with a photo of the sewing project on one side and a little note from me on the other. Postcards are always a great way to add a little extra communication with your buyer. I've always found them super fun and meaningful, so decided to throw one in the with sewing patterns & DIY kits.
Pretty amazing right? That one sewing pattern printer can print ALL of the above? I told that to Simon (the founder of Netprinter) and he told me, "No, it's actually not--It's really very simple."
Which tells me that every sewing pattern printer I worked with prior to Netprinter could do all of the work I needed them to.. They just chose not to. Which, again, sets them apart and in a realm completely their own.
(Are you looking for a sewing pattern printer? Girl, look no further! I have put together a step-by-step guide to printing sewing patterns with the UK based company, Netprinter. Grab your guide below, and I promise you will never look for another sewing pattern printer again.)
Interested in working with Netprinter? Let's talk!
Because I love working with Netprinter, and I love the work they have done for The Flora Modiste, I really wanted to spread the word about them! I think the service that they are offering the sewing community is unlike any other--It is that unique.
The work looks great, the materials are quality, the costs are affordable, and the founders of the company are fantastic human beings. What more could you ask for?
Over the last few months, as I was putting together my order for Netprinter, I created a document that walks you through how to prep an order for their one stop shop. It goes over everything that I have learned throughout the process, and how to get everything perfect before sending it over to Netprinter for printing.
My hope is that if you are looking to start printing your very own sewing patterns, I can make things a little easier for you. Because there IS a lot involved in running a sewing pattern business. Printing your sewing patterns with Netprinter is an easy way to cut down on suppliers, and in turn support a really great one.
And if you aren't running your own sewing pattern business, but are just a conscious consumer.. Then I'm hoping this post enlightened you, and that you feel comfortable in supporting The Flora Modiste.
Because it really, really is so important to me to run a responsible business myself.
If interested in learning even more about Netprinter, make sure to grab your guide to printing with them below! I really think this company is going to be an excellent resource for the sewing community. Cheers, loves!